In Dostoyevsky’s novel, The Brothers Karamazov, his character, Ivan, tells a story about an extremist dictator named The Grand Inquisitor. The Inquisitor’s explicit goal is to seize control of the government by force and rule the people via a strict totalitarian state. He claims that he can give the people happiness, whereas freedom produces only misery. Another man now bears the title of “grand inquisitor”, and this man is Josef Ratzinger.
Ratzinger, who has recently taken the papal name of Benedict XVI, has earned this controversial title through the open and harsh persecution of liberation theology in Latin America, as well as the denouncement of many liberal Church officials in Europe and the United States. In other words, Ratzinger has become known as an oppressor of any Catholic voices who speak in a faintly provocative tone. Most disturbing though, is Ratzinger’s all too predictable stances against freethinkers, reason, and the Enlightenment.
The new pope follows closely in his predecessor’s footsteps as predicted. Journalist Peter Schwarz affirms that Ratzinger has issued “papal decrees denouncing contraception and abortion, confirming the subordination of women, denouncing stem-cell research, opposing an increased role for laymen in the life of the Church, barring marriage for priests and abhorring same-sex relationships. He went so far as to officially condemn masturbation.” Ratzinger is as repressively conservative as John Paul II, if not more so.
Ratzinger’s decrees against women’s rights are absolutely appalling. In a recent letter written by the pope, he cites Genesis 3:16 as evidence for the righteousness of his bigotry: “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” Of course, in the Catholic Church this sentiment is commonplace, but elsewhere it is thankfully considered ancient and outrageous.
This is a familiar theme for Ratzinger—his inability to accept modernity. He strangely stands against the development of technology and industry, citing them as obstacles that get in the way of worshipping god. Along with this aversion to progression, the pope stands ardently against science. He has a strong dislike for Enlightenment philosophers, saying that they are “blind to a truth which precedes their reason—the pre-political truth of religion” (Schwarz). This radical opposition to freethinkers and scientists is merely a continuation of the line of prototype popes that Catholicism has become so comfortable employing as their “infallible” leaders.
As long as men like Ratzinger sit on top of a throne of obscene wealth and power, it is important for freethinkers, scientists, and all freedom fighters alike to unite against the gross and disproportionate abuse of power exercised by the papacy.
See the article by Peter Schwarz, here.
the "grand inquisitor"
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1:04 AM
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its too sleepy to read stuff right now....aint slept in like 2 days....wuts to hit the stupid homework...or feed it to my bird...aint decided yet. gald u like my blog....i hate my poems and my books....i hate everything....
We can´t deny the power of Catholic Church, not even protestants.
Ratzinger as a Pope is not a good new for anyone who wants a better world, & I mean better by free, democratic and tolerant world.
Thanks for stopping by on mi blog, by the way...
thx for visit, u r welcome, i like ur blog too. a hello from brasil
I found an interesting article in TIME magazine which explores a Catholic persepctive of Benedict XVI. The article asks several American Catholic leaders "What should [the pope] do?"
Tom Monaghan, the founder of Ave Maria University in Naples, Florida and the Domino's Pizza chain, says "I'm hoping he does something about Catholic education. Catholics just dont' understand their faith. They don't understand why the church has the authority to tell them that they can't do that ... This should be a benevolent monarchy, not a democracy. The church in one sense is a military organization, just like the Marine Corps."
Mario Cuomo expresses some more sensible thoughts than the Dominoes Pizza tycoon. "The most one can expect," she says, "although it's less than one can hope for, would be an admission by the Pope that the man-made rules are alterable by the church that made them. Even an unannounced but perceptible change in its attitude about contraceptives. Those rules are not enforced in this country. No priest will get up on the pulpit on Sunday and say, "Those who use contraceptives should leave the church."
Mary Gordon, a professor at Barnard College, and the author of Pearl says, "I'd like him to understand that with an AIDS pandemic, to hold the line against the use of condoms is to ensure that many, many people will die. I would like him to be concerned with actual human suffering rather than with philosophical theological abstractions."
These are just a few of the opinions listed, that I thought were somewhat interesting (or disturbing in Monaghan's case).
People outside the Church hierarchy are recognizing that Church decrees are costing widespread suffering and pain. The fallibility of the pope, like all people, must be recognized.
"I'm hoping he does something about Catholic education. Catholics just dont' understand their faith."
Agreed, most any time you challenge a Catholic and quote scripture, or even ask them to explain their beliefs and teachings, they are dumbfounded. They claim over a billion but many know nothing and believe in nothing. But, hell, a shit load of other denominations are full of that as well.
come one, man. this "reverse persecution" is so stupid, and so common to troll blogs like yours, it's not only getting stale, it's losing your intended "provacative for the sake of being provacative" 'edge' to it. there's a certain foundation behind these beliefs, and instead of judging them through your narrow mindedness, perhaps you should understand the nature of these things. the doctrines function as guidelines, not as "if you break this rule, you're going to be in troubllllle." funny, for someone doing so much complaining about someone's alleged intolerance, you seem to be have a fair share of intolerance for other views. if you don't agree, then don't agree. apparently, it bothers you because you put a lot of stock into the church. why else would it bother you? exaaaactly... freethinker my bum (that's got to be the stupidest name ever. freethinker. it's so naive that i get a good chuckle everytime i hear it). likewise, a church that accomodates the stupidity of a "fast-food", instant gratification society is no moral compass. it defeats the purpose of having a moral compass! it says that the truth and morality are completely relative, and thus, do not exist. additionally, applying the words conservative and liberal is ridiculous in terms of religion. those are political terms. the two exist on an entirely different axis. this is perhaps one of those mindless media-propagated memes that some like to absorb. but, following through, you will see that catholicism is among the most "liberal" of christian faiths. the phenomenon in latin america, is an example of a religious fad. and this is a recurring theme in history. often some people will look for something that caters to the mindlessness and weaknesses of human nature in lieu of reason because it's "easier", without depth. people don't want to be challenged because it's too hard. they prefer to give in to their weaknesses. eventually, we see these people, possibly over the course of a few generations, returning to the church. it's like the 1960s. all those hippies are now republicans (not that that's a good thing), which goes to show how real the whole thing was. so take it easy, and take a breather, and quit rambling before you make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone. won't that be embarrasing!
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